Progress RAM,
27th February 2013
The second installation of the newest RAM Lodge in the Province Progress RAM Lodge No898 took place on Wednesday 27th February. The Lodge was honoured to receive our Deputy Provincial Grand Master K. A. Beardmore R.A.M.G.R. ( An honorary member of the lodge) as Guest of Honour. Other Grand Officers  included W. Bro’s Colin Williams, Paul Snape, Geoff Catterall and Ian Taylor.
Bro. Steven Bolton was duly installed as commander by W.Bro. R. Dickinson in a delightful way.
Bro. Steven is the chairman of Preston Masonic Hall. Under his leadership and his dedicated team, we have seen many improvements to the wellbeing of the hall. After the ceremony the assembled guests sat down to an excellent installation banquet, where the main course was Goosnargh Duck.

Pictured Left: V.W.Bro. Keith Beardmore, Dep. PGM, W.C. Steve Bolton, Installing Commander Bob Dickenson and V.W.Bo. Paul  Snapem PGM's Special Representative


Article and Photograph Courtesy of Tony Shaw.